How can you tell the difference
between real and counterfeit?

Beware of Ryukakusan
counterfeit products!

Ryukakusan counterfeit products are being sold in China.
Be careful.

Ryukakusan Herbal Throat Candy®

Genuine package

These products are not Ryukakusan products.

We analyzed the counterfeit "Ryunosan" product.

The imitation throat candy is manufactured in China, whereas the genuine product is manufactured in Japan. A foreign matter shown below was frequently found to be contained in the counterfeit product.
We suspect that the manufacturing quality control is inadequate.

The product was contaminated with a fibrous foreign matter, which appears to be an acrylic fiber from clothes.
(The fibrous foreign matter in the image is approximately 4mm in length.)
Note: Analysis results of the "Ryunosan Hebal Throat Candy" counterfeit product

Ryukakusan Direct®

Genuine package

  • Ryukakusan Direct® Stick is throat medicine that does not require water. The granules dissolve quickly and moisturizes the throat directly.

  • Ryukakusan Direct®Lozenge Mango R is a lozenge type. Slowly suck on the lozenge.

"Ryukakusan," "Ryukakusan Direct,"
"Direct," "Direct Stick," and "Ryukakusan Herbal Throat"
are registered trademarks of Ryukakusan Co., Ltd.